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RichTextBox - Add text to top with multiple colors (only latest line is showing)

marcel ethan 2366 04-Sep-2013

I'm trying to replicate a log window, so the most recent log should appear at the top - most visible. Thus, I need to add a text to the top (no problem) but with multiple colors (problem).

First I store the original text. (it's rtf or text - tried both) And then I add the new text, with a username and then a message. The username should be one color and the message another. It's always single lined too.

All I get by my method is that when appending the old text or the old RTF text, the latest "log" only shows.

public void AddLog(Log log)
            string oldText = this.richTextBox1.Rtf;
            this.richTextBox1.Text = log.User + ": " + log.Message + "\n";
            this.richTextBox1.Select(0, log.User.Length);
            this.richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.GreenYellow;
            this.richTextBox1.Select(log.User.Length + 2, log.Message.Length);
            this.richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.White;
            this.richTextBox1.Rtf += oldText;
        catch { }

Is this even possible? Because it doesn't save the old RTF text and the old RTF text can't be appended after the new text, which means I probably have to add newest text below which isn't what I want.

If I instead of saving the "RTF" text, the format (colors) will disappear and will only show one color.

c# c# 
Updated on 04-Sep-2013

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